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Communication is what we power. It’s our lifeblood. It runs through our veins. It drives us to constantly reimagine how we can grow better. For you. For all the dreams you have for your loved ones. For all the Life lessons you want to transfer. For all the ways you want to relax and enjoy your life as you grow in age. Anywhere in the world. Now and today.

The Statistics: How often do you have open, honest and transparent conversations with your loved one and how often are they transparent and open with you?The child mental health crisis figures are on the rise, and the figures keep rising globally. For parents, these statistics can be disheartening and can consequently affect your mental health; however, for proactive parents, the life-changing impacts of these statistics can be avoided.In 2011, a global article stated that out of the 1440 minutes we have in a day, Fathers spent less than 7 minutes a day in communication with their children. Mothers were not far along with 11 minutes. (Did you cringe?). Yes, 7 and 11 minutes! And that was 13 years ago! Today, throw in social media, gaming, and every thing that's happened in over a decade and the picture becomes somewhat grim.In 2018-2019, with adolescents, 12-17 year olds, 36.7% had persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness; 18.8% seriously considered attempting suicide, 15.7% made a suicide plan, 8.9% attempted suicide (data from, 47% of children tween and teens feel that school is their biggest stressor, followed by the feeling of being understood (40%), friendships (39%), the pandemic (38%), identity (31%) and social media (31%) - (data from verywellmind).In 2022-2023, almost 4 million 7-24 year olds in England have a probable or possible mental health disorder (data from youngminds).Children are increasingly becoming experts at hiding how and what they truly feel. It is now taking more from parent's to unearth what's happening with and in their child. However, there is always a time to shift the statoscope, and we believe now is the time - we won't wait for a crisis. Each Attract card can be as powerful as you want it to be when your conversation is open, honest and transparent. You can't fix what you don't know. All 100 cards have been crafted to raise mirrors to your hearts and minds, enabling you and your loved one the vast opportunity to tap into and spot hidden links of connection, reveal unimagined possibilities for communication and to form profound tenacity in your relationship. This tool is what you and your child make out of it! If you let it happen, the process will end up with interesting insights about yourselves that will help you both move forward, bond tightly and form a legacy.We are passionate about legacy and how parents transfer their wealth of knowledge, wisdom and gusto to their children; however, we are ever so aware that the world is so noisy at the moment and will increasingly be so - it is so easy for parents and children to get lost in this ocean of noise. We want to enable parents and their children build strong and affirming relationships that last a lifetime and beyond.  And one of the ways to do this is to enable them spend more time together... talking and bonding.

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THE A.TTRAC:T CARDS (5 Free Cards)
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THE A.TTRAC:T CARDS (5 Free Cards)
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