Live Online Classes

PARENTS, CARERS, GUARDIANS: bring this to LIFE with our LIVE classes, designed to help you and your family improve your home communication skills in an engaging and interactive environment. Classes are held live on Zoom and we try our best to accommodate our global audience in different time zones. Want to pick the date and time for your whole family to attend class? Learn more about booking a private class here.

All classes are in UK time.


Starting with the A.TTRAC:T Way of Bonding

Whether you are a young parent, older parent, carer, guardian, children group leader, a teen group leader or team member, or are seeking greater clarity, this interactive class is designed to guide you through the steps to find your A.TTRAC:T—your way to best connect, bond and guide your child. It starts with your willingness to be open, transparent, honest, see the bigger picture and to trust the process. And through it all, we’re there to help.

Select a Date & Time

Duration: 70 Minutes


An excellent instrument for fostering connections with children of diverse ages; I have started using the ATTRAC.T cards in my practice, it is a powerful tool for therapist and counsellors.

Some parents find that their inability to engage in meaningful conversations with their kids has made them more detached from their children.Sadly, they discover this much too late and, for many apparent reasons, find it challenging to maintain a relationship with their adolescent or adult child. A parent's greatest wish for a meaningful relationship with their child is to communicate with them. Where their interaction is unproductive, avoidance will eventually result from conversations that incite resentment, persistent threats, or arguments.  We observe an increase in upset parents and disgruntled teenagers who struggle to coexist with their parents due to their poor communication skills and inability to put forth the effort necessary to comprehend the various stages of their growth. In light of this, some kids would rather be homeless than grow up in what they perceive to be an unpleasant household. While parents feel isolated and undervalued as a result of this cascading effect. A youngster can feel understood, disputes can be handled, and self-expression is encouraged through meaningful talks. In order to preserve good connections, parents must be particularly interested in understanding their child and master the art of constructive conversations. The ATTRAC.T Model is, in my opinion is an excellent instrument for fostering connections with children of diverse ages.I have started using the ATTRAC.T cards in my practice, it is a powerful tool for therapist and counsellors and I recommend it to my clients, particularly those that want to develop meaningful relationships with their children.  When a child is struggling with issues like exams, anxiety, body shaming, feeling judged, peer pressure, bullying, and a host of other things that can affect their nervous system, parents suffer side by side with them.  Parental concerns also extend to factors that could cause a dysregulation of the nervous system, like inactivity, sleeplessness, sugary foods and drinks, alienation, and disorderly, chaotic environments. Memory is a fundamental aspect of human cognition that is shaped by psychological, physiological, and social factors. It allows us to modify our thoughts and actions in the moment. So through fostering a close relationship based on trust, effective communication, and positive role modelling, parents can provide their children with nurturing and aid in the restoration of their neurological systems. They can make conscious effort to engage fully with the child by paying attention and listening to gain information and perspective, thereby able to offer guidance, develop relationship and interact deeper with their child.  They can learn about and comprehend circumstances, cultural influences, and social roles of a child's experiences through active listening. Where a parent struggle to talk about personal issues because they feel it might be evasive,  ATTRAC.T cards does the job, using insightful questions to bring out in-depth thoughts to the surface.Quality questions empower and help us see the way we interpret and evaluate our experiences and can shape how we think and behave. So the use of high quality questions to open meaningful and sometimes delicate conversations makes ATTRAC.T MODEL unique, thereby parents can deepen bond and create ways to influence positive outcomes with their child. 
Ms Anita Schafer
The Statistics: How often do you have open, honest and transparent conversations with your loved one and how often are they transparent and open with you?The child mental health crisis figures are on the rise, and the figures keep rising globally. For parents, these statistics can be disheartening and can consequently affect your mental health; however, for proactive parents, the life-changing impacts of these statistics can be avoided.In 2011, a global article stated that out of the 1440 minutes we have in a day, Fathers spent less than 7 minutes a day in communication with their children. Mothers were not far along with 11 minutes. (Did you cringe?). Yes, 7 and 11 minutes! And that was 13 years ago! Today, throw in social media, gaming, and every thing that's happened in over a decade and the picture becomes somewhat grim.In 2018-2019, with adolescents, 12-17 year olds, 36.7% had persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness; 18.8% seriously considered attempting suicide, 15.7% made a suicide plan, 8.9% attempted suicide (data from, 47% of children tween and teens feel that school is their biggest stressor, followed by the feeling of being understood (40%), friendships (39%), the pandemic (38%), identity (31%) and social media (31%) - (data from verywellmind).In 2022-2023, almost 4 million 7-24 year olds in England have a probable or possible mental health disorder (data from youngminds).Children are increasingly becoming experts at hiding how and what they truly feel. It is now taking more from parent's to unearth what's happening with and in their child. However, there is always a time to shift the statoscope, and we believe now is the time - we won't wait for a crisis. Each Attract card can be as powerful as you want it to be when your conversation is open, honest and transparent. You can't fix what you don't know. All 100 cards have been crafted to raise mirrors to your hearts and minds, enabling you and your loved one the vast opportunity to tap into and spot hidden links of connection, reveal unimagined possibilities for communication and to form profound tenacity in your relationship. This tool is what you and your child make out of it! If you let it happen, the process will end up with interesting insights about yourselves that will help you both move forward, bond tightly and form a legacy.We are passionate about legacy and how parents transfer their wealth of knowledge, wisdom and gusto to their children; however, we are ever so aware that the world is so noisy at the moment and will increasingly be so - it is so easy for parents and children to get lost in this ocean of noise. We want to enable parents and their children build strong and affirming relationships that last a lifetime and beyond.  And one of the ways to do this is to enable them spend more time together... talking and bonding.

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