Starting with the A.TTRAC:T Way of Bonding

Regular price
£120.00 GBP
Sale price
£120.00 GBP
Regular price

About This Group Class


Learn how to bond and guide your child, family, spouse, partner effectively with our interactive class designed for parents and carers of all ages. Find your A.TTRAC:T - the best way to connect with your loved one and achieve a purposeful bonded life. Trust our process and let us guide you along the way.


Together we will:

  • Unpack the concept of The A.TTRAC:T methodology from the ATTRACT Cards
  • Share tools and the process to discover the best way to get bonded with your loved one
  • Pair you with a partner so you can work 1-on-1 to write your A.TTRAC:T statement
  • Conduct live coaching to help you improve your bonded life statement


[Kindly note this is a live class].