Starting with the A.TTRAC:T Way of Bonding

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£85.00 GBP
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£85.00 GBP
Regular price

About This Group Class

As parents, carers, guardians, intentional family members, we know that there isn't a bible for parenting. Most of us parent our children through trial and error, personal upbringing and more without been open, transparent and honest, but our technique for  ATTRACTING our children to who we are and the dreams we have for them allows us to live our family lives on purpose.

Whether you are a young parent, older parent, carer, guardian, children group leader, a teen group leader or team member, or are seeking greater clarity, this interactive class is designed to guide you through the steps to find your A.TTRAC:T—your way to best connect, bond and guide your child. It starts with your willingness to be open, transparent, honest, see the bigger picture and to trust the process. And through it all, we’re there to help.

Together we will:

  • Unpack the concept of The A.TTRAC:T methodology from ATTRACT Cards
  • Share tools and the process to discover the best way to get bonded with your child
  • Pair you with a partner so you can work 1-on-1 to write your A.TTRAC:T statement
  • Conduct live coaching to help you improve your A.TTRAC:T statement


[Kindly note this is a live class].